Canterbury Astronomical Society

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Canterbury Astronomical Society

“It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.”
-  Richard Evans 

Here in Selwyn, we are so lucky to be part of a community that respects and loves our night sky.

There’s nothing quite like a quiet night, sitting out and witnessing the night sky in all its glory, and there’s nothing that can calm an active mind down as much as the serenity of the stars glistening and the moon reflecting on the water...

One society that respects and loves our skies more than most is that of the Canterbury Astronomical Society which deserves a massive amount of respect in the way in which it offers our community a chance to learn more about our night skies. 


As Rob Glassey, President of the Canterbury Astronomical Society puts it, Selwyn’s night sky is a: 

“Truly fantastic resource that is fast disappearing in so many parts of the world. It is something we must treasure and preserve for future generations”.

If you have a particular interest in the night sky, or if you are just an admirer of its beauty, Canterbury’s Astronomical Society is always welcoming of new members. Anyone can join, and with monthly speakers, member sessions at the observatory, training and social events, it is quite easy to see that to be part of CAS is to be part of a community with the resources and experience to help you learn more about astronomy. It is exactly the reason it was set up in the first place, to create a community for those that loved the night sky and for those that wanted to learn more.

The Great Carina Nebula: Just 7000 light years away in our own galaxy. The bright orange star Eta Carina is one of the most massive stars in the milky-way. The great nebula includes the keyhole nebula, star clusters and the dark shadows of Loch Ness.
Canterbury Astronomical Society

As a member of CAS, you will have the full range of benefits including the ability to attend all their events throughout the year free of charge. And what’s more is that the children can benefit from this too! CAS has strong links to education with an active kids training programme.

CAS regularly frequents the R.F. Joyce Observatory, near West Melton which has been showing the public the night sky for over 50 years. With a wide range of telescopes available and experienced members of their team to give advice and answer questions, it makes for a fantastic outing and an experience to be cherished. These viewings are open to the public every clear Friday night from April to September, and most clear nights of the July school holidays. Bookings are essential.

The Tarantula Nebula: A vast cloud of glowing gas and dark spider like tendrils of cosmic dust. It is located in our nearest neighbour galaxy 160000 light years away.
Canterbury Astronomical Society

So, if you are looking for an experience to remember or desire to see some shooting stars, incredible meteor showers, beautiful auroras and even the occasional comet, this is an event worth booking in for. 

And if you are looking to be part of a wider community in which you can learn more about the night sky and be part of a like-minded astronomical crowd, then perhaps the CAS membership packages will be something to be strongly considered.

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