Centred on the Torlesse and Big Ben ranges, in Canterbury’s high country, the park attracts trampers, hunters, mountain bikers and cross-country skiers.
These are shared-use tracks.Follow themountain bikers code: respect others, respect the rules, respect the track. Photo credit: John O'Malley Photography.
Trig M can be accessed by routes starting from Coach Stream or Starvation Gully, about 4.5 km apart on SH73. From Trig M there are panoramic views over Lake Lyndon. The recommended route for mountain biking is to start from Starvation Gully and finish at Coach Stream. Return to Starvation Gully via SH73.
Starvation Gully to Trig MGrade 3:Intermediate
Distance:3.2 km
Time:1 hr 30 min (uphill)
Other users:walkers
From the signpost on SH73, climb the marked track amongst diverse shrublands, traversing open ridges to reach Trig M. About half way up, the track from Coach Stream joins this track from the southeast.
Trig M to Coach StreamGrade 3:Intermediate
Distance:5.5 km
Time:1 hr 30 min (downhill)
Other users:walkers
Seasonal restrictions: Part of this route is an easement passing through Ben More Station. It's closed from 1 October to 20 November each year for the lambing season.
The Coach Stream Route branches off approximately 1.5 km down from Trig M. The route sidles alongside a ridge before passing through a gate to follow a farm track through part of Ben More Station. A gate at the end of the 4WD track leads back into public conservation land. Follow SH73 over Porters Pass back to Starvation Gully (an additional 4.5 km). Dogs are not allowed in this section.
Avoca HomesteadGrade 2:Easy
Distance:25 km
Time:2-4 hr
Other users:Vehicles, horse-riders, trains (crossings)
Access to Avoca Homestead is via Craigieburn Road which turns off SH73 near Cass. This is a gravel road which provides car access to within 30 minutes walk of the homestead. There are at least six railway crossings along this road with no warnings of oncoming trains. There are also numerous gates across the road. Leave all gates as you find them.
From the car park, it's possible to continue along a track to Broken River which must be forded to reach the Avoca Homestead. Access may not be possible when the river is high.
The homestead was built in 1906 and has undergone extensive restoration to preserve its heritage value.
From the Avoca Homestead there are a few tracks behind the homestead suitable for mountain biking day trips.